Silver PASS service - Our review and authentication process of your item, that upon successful completion results in the issuance of a PASS-CO PASS. This service does not include Encapsulation, Grading or Scoring of your item. The fee for authentication and review is listed in the SILVER LEVEL column on the services page. Simply scroll to the personality you wish us to authenticate and enter the appropriate fee.
Gold PASS service - Authentication, encapsulation, grading and scoring of your item accompanied by a first-of-its-kind in the industry financial guarantee. The fee for this service is listed in the GOLD LEVEL column on the services page. Simply scroll to the personality you wish us to authenticate and enter the appropriate fee.
If you choose the Gold PASS level of service to be completed on an item and decline to have the item encapsulated, we do not provide PASS-CO grading and scoring services. Owners who have submitted material for the Gold PASS and who opt not to have the item encapsulated have essentially chosen to maintain the PASS-CO financial guarantee for our services as stated in our terms of use. In the event that encapsulation, grading and scoring services are declined for the GOLD PASS, the full GOLD PASS service fee remains in effect. In the event that an item authenticated by PASS-CO under these conditions falls into dispute, the retained imagery of that item as maintained by PASS-CO will be the final authority, and any alterations or changes to the document in any way whatsoever, after leaving our office will render the PASS and its accompanying financial guarantee null and void.
Occasionally, items may be submitted to PASS-CO which, by their unusual nature, rarity or other extraordinary attributes, would require an exhaustive and/or extensive amount of research and/or other processes in order to properly evaluate and authenticate the item prior to our issuing our PASS certification.
Upon receipt and initial review of such an item, a PASS-CO representative will contact you to discuss our preliminary findings. We will make you aware of our concerns and what steps we believe would be necessary to complete a proper PASS-CO evaluation and authentication. Upon mutual agreement with the owner, we will arrive at a fee for this authentication process. This agreement, however, does not guarantee the issuance of a PASS-CO PASS, as we cannot know the results of the authentication process until all procedures have been completed.
In custom authentications, our PASS-CO financial guarantee would be limited to that covered under our Silver Pass level of service, which is 2x the fee paid for our authentication or a maximum of $5000.
Please contact us for more details.
PASS-CO BASIC & Autograph Authentication - Encapsulation, Grading and Authentication of your stock certificate or bond bearing a notable signature or signatures. The fee for this service will be the applicable fees for encapsulation and grading plus the authentication fee for the personality as listed at the Silver level of service. In the event that authentication service is requested for two or more autographs on a single certificate, the applicable fee will be that of each of the personalities as listed at the Silver level of service. In the event that three or more autographs appear on a single item, the applicable fee will be that of the two highest priced personalities at the Silver level of service. Thereafter, additional personalities will be authenticated at no extra charge.
*We regret that we do not provide Grading and Scoring services on any item that does not also include our encapsulation service.
The PASS-CO SCORE Want your item SCOREd in addition to being encapsulated and graded? Add an additional $12.95 Scoring fee.
You may upgrade your Silver Pass to a Gold Pass. The applicable fee will be the difference between the original Silver Pass fee paid and the prevailing Gold Pass fee in effect at the time the original service was completed.
Some items may not be suitable for encapsulation. Encapsulation of items which PASS-CO feels are unsuitable for this service will be completed only at the owners express request and liability after being notified by a PASS-CO representative of our concern in performing such service.
We reserve the right to refuse service on any item without cause. Our refusal to provide service shall in no way be construed as an indication of our opinion on an item or its authenticity.
From time to time, PASS-CO may be unable to complete a service request. Under certain circumstances, the authentication of an autograph or manuscript may be beyond the scope of our expertise and/or our ability to provide the high standard of service to which we endeavor. In this case, we will simply either refund or not accept payment for the services selected and return your item in a timely fashion. In some cases, we may desire to call upon additional expertise which may affect the turnaround time necessary to properly complete the authentication. In this event, PASS-CO will notify you as soon as we become aware of the additional time required for your service.
Price as listed for the authentication and issuance of your Silver PASS Authentication Additional Fees apply for: Encapsulation and Grading - $12.95.
Our Gold PASS fee includes all of the following services: Authentication, Grading, Encapsulation, Ranking and Financial Guarantee.
Pricing For Multiple Signature Items:
The fee for items which are signed by two or more personalities are the aggregate total of the two highest single price authentications for the individuals represented. All other personalities on the same item will be authenticated at no additional fee.
Replacement PASS fee:
The fee for a replacement PASS will be ½ the original fee. The item must be re-submitted and the original PASS will be invalidated in our tracking system. A new PASS with a new tracking number will be issued.
Reholder price:
We authenticate Historical Autographs and Manuscripts in virtually every major collecting arena. This material may either be signed by an important historic personality, or it may be material of interesting or important historical content that is not signed by a historic personality. We maintain an extraordinarily well-respected and experienced team of advisors which we can call upon. When necessary we have the ability to call upon leading scholars, museums, collections, archives, dealers and special collections personnel both here and abroad to provide expertise in areas where our in-house personal may require additional assistance and expertise in authenticating and grading your item. In addition to our in-house expert staff, these individuals can be called upon to assist in rendering an opinion. This assures you of the highest quality opinion backed with the knowledge and experience that comes with the issuance of every PASS-CO PASS.
While we will authenticate and grade vintage Sports and Movie material, we as a rule DO NOT authenticate Modern Sports and Movie Stars. We strongly believe that most of the modern sports and entertainment material is not authentically signed by the personality involved. We further hold that the vast majority of this material cannot be authenticated to the same level of certainty that we maintain with our historic personalities, and those items accompanied by COAs and LOAs should be viewed with all due suspicion. Thus, while we will consider entering any item for a PASS-CO review and authentication, we hereby make individuals aware of this fact.